Today: 65
Overall Total: 2926
So I knocked out 65. I moved through them fairly quickly, counting by 10's. The last five or 6 were counted one by one.
Just to point it out, this is 15 more pushups than I did in the week 4 trial in August. Just as noteworthy, it also ties the most pushups I've ever done. Had than been noted during the workout I would have likely pressed myself for at least one more. Several years back when I was working out routinely I did 65. So this is a decent accomplishment for an older, fatter me ;-)
Part of why it might be a good idea to do a trial more often is that it would get me "used to" doing long sets of continuous pushups. The whole thing, rythm, breathing, counting. It's all good practice for the hundred.
I've been trying change from counting by sets of five to sets of 10. It's part of getting my head in order to think bigger numbers. When the goal is to complete 20 pushups it's ok to think "it's only four sets of 5." It's a different story when your shooting for 60-80, or 100. "It's only 12 sets of 5" doesn't work as well for me.
Think of it like this;
- Aiming for 150 pushups each day
- Counting by 10's instead of 5's
- Consciously focusing on cardio and continuous, rythmic breathing
1 comment:
Thats great... 65 pushups after Week 5 fantastic. My co-worker who is doing this program was at 70 pushups after Week 5, but he is someone who is in great shape and practices karate.
Although it looks like even if you never finish W5, you will easily get to 100 :)
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