Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Initial Trial

I actually did the initial trial on 7/19, but there not much point in back dating.

30. Yep that's what I did. Thirty push ups for my initial trial.


It's a decent amount of push ups, but left me damaged for a couple of days. I was quite sore on Sunday and still not completely over it by Monday.

Here's the thing about this workout schedule; it doesn't look too bad up front. The first couple of weeks have 10-15 push ups per set. Toward the end of the schedule the number required becomes jacked up BIG TIME.

So, they instruct you to "go back and redo earlier weeks". Ok, makes sense. But then it doesn't take 6 weeks to complete the schedule. It could go on for quite some time.

That's ok with me. I'm going to rely on tenacity. I've been know to bang my head on a wall until I finally figure out how to win, so I'm planning on doing that here too. I'll keep repeating week 4 (or whatever) until I can finally make it to week five.

One other note, I've searched the web and haven't found anyone who's said; "Yippee! I've completed the HundredPushup challenge!" Most blogs mention week 1 or 2, maybe a couple make it to week 5. Doesn't bode well. We'll see if this blog ends up dead after week 2. (think tenacity, remember?).

If you're that extra special person who's actually completed the program, or if you've ever done 100 consecutive pushups, let us know how it went for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,

Just to let you know I added a new page to the hundred push ups site today:


so far two people have emailed me to say they've done the magic hundred. i did it this time last year in 7 weeks too....

i'm currently on week 5 and hope to crack the century in another couple of weeks.

good luck!