Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week1 Day 1 & Day 2

I'm going to combine two workouts in this update. I'm behind and it's probably not necessary to have two separate posts.

Day 1
I started week 1 on Monday.

Program: 10, 10, 8, 6, max (at least 7)
Actual: 10, 10, 8, 6, 15
Daily Total: 49
Overall Total: 49

I looked over week 1 and overall it looks pretty easy. There's no requirement for anything over 15 push-ups.

Wrong. I struggled with Week1 Day1 (W1D1 for short). It probably isn't really a statement of my own physical conditioning. Rather it simply reflects the way gravity changes immediately under anyone who tries to do a push up. Gravity goes up by like 4x due to the reduced proximity to the earth. Anyone buying any of this?

Anyway got through the first day.

Day 2
This catches us up to today.

Program: 12,12,10,10, max (at least 10)
Actual: 12,12,10,10, 13
Daily Total: 57
Overall Total: 106

I'm still sore, but not too bad, so it's a good thing. You can just hear those muscle fibers calling for their friends. I've got another day to rest and the next work out is on Friday. Figuring if I get through that one I'll have Saturday and Sunday to heal up. (Yea!)

Let's not get that far ahead. L8R.

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