Friday, November 7, 2008

Week 6 Day 3 - Repeat 3

Good news. I knocked through this workout without much problem. That officially completes week 6.

Program: 27,27,23,23,23,23,20,20, max (at least 56)
Actual: 27,27,23,23,23,23,20,20,60
Daily Total: 246
Overall Total: 7171

Broke 7000 pushups today too. Jeez that's a lot. Assuming 5 seconds per pushup, that's roughly 10 hours of push'n.

I moved through this workout pretty well. That time (or lack of) between sets is really tough. I took a minute before the last set just to get a glass of water. And because I just mentally wasn't into pumping out that last set without catching my breath.

That's room for improvement if I have to repeat this week again (hell would have to freeze over first.)

Tomorrow I'm going to beat the hundred push up challenge. I've got a good attitude and it's been a couple weeks since I broke 90 so I should be able to do it.

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